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Speck Alto Adige PGI


San Candido, Italy

'Use a little salt, a little smoke and lots of fresh mountain air'


Since 2008, the denomination Speck Alto Adige PGI is protected by a PGI and only speck produced in accordance to the traditional methods may bear this quality seal of  approval.

  • Only premium cuts are selected:  full meat thighs from pigs that have been properly raised to produce Speck Alto Adige PGI
  • The leg must weight at least 3,7kg and is marked with production start date
  • The speck is marinated in his rub in a cool room for up to 3 weeks.  Each producer has his secret seasoning recipe (not more than 5% of salt)
  • The speck is smoked in a traditional manner, an alternating process of lightly smoking over beech wood and air-drying with the fresh mountain air
  • The last phase of the production is curing.The time to maturity depends of the weight of the speck. It will mature between 20 to 24 weeks  in a well ventilated room filled with fresh mountain air



Speck Alto Adige PGI is very versatile and a true pleasure for the palate  because of the smokey taste.  It is simply delicious served with figs, or in thin slices with a good bread. It can be cooked and can replace pancetta and bacon.  It is very good on a pizza with aragula, in a quiche, or in a pasta recipe. 

Available sizeProduct code
2,5kg/2: GSI2965

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